3DEM is addressing the needs of the exploration&production industry in advanced Marine/Land 3D EM products and independent services for conventional and unconventional plays. 3DEM offers the full spectrum of Marine/Land EM & magnetotelluric (MT) acquisition, processing, and interpretation services worldwide.

Feasibility Study, Survey Design, and Data Interpretation rely heavily on 3D EM modeling.  3DEM Modeling Software for fast and accurate simulation of any CSEM & MT configuration and optimization of acquisition schemes enables acquisition of EM data sufficient for reliable reconstruction of the subsurface resistivity volumes.

3DEM is offering the following independent Land/Marine EM services:

  • Feasibility Studies and Survey Designs performed with fast turn-around times.
  • CSEM & MT data acquisition, processing, and interpretation.
  • Quality Control services for the ongoing, future, and past land EM projects.
  • Building reliable data-driven 3D anisotropic models using proprietary technologies.
  • Customized development of target-driven EM data acquisition schemes.
  • Customized development of software for fast 3D modeling/imaging/inversion and flexible workflows for integrated data interpretation.
  • Management, oversight, and support of large-scale R&D as well as land/marine EM data acquisition and interpretation projects.
  • Special training course “Land and Marine 3D Electromagnetics”.


  Finite-difference model of two deep reservoirs in marine CSEM model.

Davydycheva, S., and  Rykhlinski, N.I., 2011, Focused–source electromagnetic survey versus standard CSEM: 3D modeling in complex geometries, Geophysics, 76, no. 1, F27-F41. Honorable Mention in category of Best Papers in Geophysics http://library.seg.org/doi/abs/10.1190/1.3192841